Saturday, November 29, 2008

Starting Again

Well, I hate to say it, but I am starting again. I actually got over 7 hours in this week! Wow! Now if I can do that during a week that doesn't involve 2 days off of work, that will be wonderful...

As I think I've mentioned before, I'm just riding right now. Getting some pre-base base in to get my body used to riding consistently again before I up the volume or the intensity much. Starting next week, I'm going to actually plan and structure my training more carefully again, going back to the build-for-three, recover-for-one week schedule that worked so well for me the first year. I'm not strapping on a HRM until January at the earliest, though. Maybe February. Base, base, base. And I know my body well enough to know when I'm at, or above threshold.

I love riding in the cold. Don't know why. It's like a badge of courage, I guess. The edgy feeling that if my mechanical is bad enough and I'm far enough out, I might be in real trouble before someone came to pick me up. And yet, I ride way out into the countryside anyway.

Here's to never walking more than 100 feet in road cleats.

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